Abdual Wahab

March 11, 2019

What is role of Google Analytics in search engine optimization and page ranking?

Google Analytics is a tool available for the free analysis and auditing of the incoming traffic of the websites. As the Google occupies the prime position in the search engine optimizations and ranking, the different tools, offered by it, are also very valuable ones for the website analysis and evaluation.
March 11, 2019

What is PPC and its importance for the website incoming traffic?

Typically, PPCterms is the abbreviation of 'Pay-Per-Click, which is one of the most important strategy of Internet marketing in which marketers, advertisers or SEO professional pay a nominal fee each time whenever their advertisement is clicked on the Internet, site, social media platform or website.
March 11, 2019

The Increasing role of social media marketing in the SEO strategies?

With the social media explosion upon the Internet, the SEO expert are enhancing their attention toward the social media marketing to divert more and more traffic toward their websites. Now, dozens of social media channels are available with billions of active users.
March 11, 2019

What are different social media platforms and how you can benefit from it?

With the increasing usage of Internet for the social media has induced many social media platforms to emerge and to work as social media marketers. Seeing the huge success of Facebook and Twitter, many IT giants have also launched their social media platforms. Few such examples are; So.ccl& Yammer by Microsoft, and Google Plus by Google.